Saturday, May 10, 2008


I found number 50 the most interesting one . The question is what is the overall national deficit of the United States? How much does this amount to per person? How much of the U.S. budget goes toward paying interest on the debt? Who will most likely hold the financial burden of this debt and why?

The U.S. is in dept of 9.5 trillion dollars. For every individual they hold about $31, 000. I think that our generation and the next generation will be paying for the debt. Because the people right now are making more dept and they will retire. The finanacial burden of this debt will our generation. because the government people will retire and people who will replace them is our generation

I found this part of the reaseacrh most interesting because i wanted to know what cause the U.S to be in so much debt. I foud out that most of the debt is coming from the Iraq war.


Lira said...

you misspell
change to debt

DK said...

it contain lot of informations!

El said...

your post is really interesting, keep it up.

Have you ever borrow money? If do how much